How To Update Your NuOp App

How To Update Your NuOp App

The team at NuOp is always coming out with new things to aid you on the platform as well as fixing various issues, this means the app is constantly being updated. In this post we will cover how you can update your app to make sure you always stay on the right version. 

Note: Most times NuOp should update automatically but following the tips in this post makes sure you are always on the right version.  


There are a few ways for you to update your NuOp app while on your desktop or windows laptop. 

Find the update alert in your settings 
In the case that you are on an outdated version you should have a new button appear in your settings that allows you to update to the newest version. 

1. Click your avatar at the top right of the page. Then click settings in the drop down menu. 

2. You should be dropped in your settings menu, starting with Personal Information. If you are on an outdated version there will be a button asking you to update. Simply click it and your page will reload and you will be on the current version. You may be logged out during this process, this is normal. 
Note: It is not present in the image due to being on the current version, but the spot highlighted is where it will appear when on the wrong version. 

Typing In A Specific URL To Force An Update 

1. Type or copy this url in the top search bar:

Clear Your Cookies/Cache 

Clearing your cache will log you out of NuOp but is a great 'catch all' if you are experiencing issues. 

Click here to learn how to clear your cache. 


Before moving forward if you have downloaded NuOp from the App Store, please remove it. This is an deprecated version of NuOp and is no longer active or receiving updates.  

Find the update alert in your settings 
In the case that you are on an outdated version you should have a new button appear in your settings that allows you to update to the newest version. 

1. Click your avatar at the top right of the page. Then click settings in the drop down menu. 

2. You should be dropped in your settings menu, starting with Personal Information. If you are on an outdated version there will be a button asking you to update. Simply click it and your page will reload and you will be on the current version. You may be logged out during this process, this is normal. 

Remove and Re-add NuOp To Safari 

Doing this will make sure that when you reinstall the app to your Safari, it will be at the most recent version. 

Check out this post to help with the installation if needed 


Find the update alert in your settings 
In the case that you are on an outdated version you should have a new button appear in your settings that allows you to update to the newest version.

1. Click your avatar at the top right of the page. Then click settings in the drop down menu.

2. You should be dropped in your settings menu, starting with Personal Information. If you are on an outdated version there will be a button asking you to update. Simply click it and your page will reload and you will be on the current version. You may be logged out during this process, this is normal.


Keep an eye out when you are using NuOp. Sometimes a new update comes out when you are browsing the app, in this case a small box popup will appear in the bottom right of your browser. Simply click on it and you will be updated to the newset version.  

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