Introducing - My Network

Introducing - My Network

"My Network" is a feature on NuOp that helps you grow and keep track of, well, your network. In this article we will go over exactly how to use it. 


Accessing, "My Network"

Getting to the main page of My Network Is quick and can be done right when you sign in. 

Once you hit that tab you should be thrown into the main screen for My Network. 

Looking At The, "My Network" Main Page

Now you should be looking at the main page of, "My Network" you will see either a bunch of people and data or nothing at all. This depends on how many people you invited/have been in contact with. But lets break down each element to make it digestible.

Contacts Vs Connections

Contacts: These are people you either imported from your contacts. Or created manually using the "Create Contact" button. 
Connections: These are people that you connected with on NuOp. Whether that be from a past Op, or simply by adding them via their profile. Everyone you make a connection with will be in this tab. 

Creating A Contact

Here you can fill out all the info needed to import the contact into the system. Even you are all done, make sure to hit save at the bottom! 

Filters and Columns

You have the ability to customize the layout of "My Network" with filters and columns.  

In "Columns" you can shift how the information is presented. In this example we moved First Name and Last Name to the very end.

Note that once you click save the order based on how you set the Columns changes. Giving you full control of your data visualization. This can also be done in the connections tab.

Filters allow you to simply search for something specific. This makes it so you do not have to scroll and waste time searching.  

Data Inside "My Network"

Both "Contacts" and "Connections" holds information for you to keep track of. 

In Contacts:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email 
- Mobile Phone
- City, State
- Company 
- Status (Either 'invite', 'pending', 'connect', 'connected')

In Connections: 
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email 
- Mobile Phone
- Plan (Essential, Essential+, Pro)
- Registered (how many Members they invited and who have registered) 
- Supporting (how many Members that connection is supporting) 
- Last Login 
- Connections  
- Mutual Connections 
- Ops Awarded 
- Ops Received 
- Op Shares (How many Opportunities they have shared using an Ops share link.) 


With the "My Network" tool at your disposal you can easily track your contacts and connections. And invite people in your network that are not yet Members of NuOp. Doing so can earn you a lot more business. 


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