How to Create an Opportunity

How to Create an Opportunity

How to Create an Opportunity 

In this article we will show you how to create an Op, the 3 types of op's,  and the different ways you can send one. Note you can create an unlimited amount of opportunities on NuOp for free!

Types of Ops you can create


Create a recommendation if you:
  1. Are seeking to know which service provider(s) other Members of NuOp would recommend to you.
  2. Want recommend a service provider to someone you know. 
If your recommendation occurred in the past and you simply want to track it, you will be able to accommodate this as well.


A referral provides the following three functionalities: 
  1. You will have the ability to require a referral fee, and have said fee legally bound in an agreement between you and the receiving party.
  2. You will have the ability to track income generated from the referral if a transaction takes place
  3. Both Members who are part of the referral will have the ability to review one another.

Three Ways to Send a Referral

In the second step of the referral creation flow "Who can view this referral?" you will be able to choose the sending method that you want. 

1. Direct Referral - In the pick list, select " Only the candidate(s) that I select". Then in the next step you can search or create a contact in order to select one candidate to send a referral to. 
2. First Come, First Served - In the pick list, select "Only the candidate(s) that I select." Then in the next step you can select up to 5 candidates for your referral and the first one to claim it will receive the referral. This is a great method for when you have a couple of candidates in mind but need someone to act fast on the referral.
3. *Open referral* -  In the pick list, select "Everyone" and this will notify all members in the location of your referral. Let us do all the work for you to find ready, willing, and able candidates. We highly recommend this method because it will be marketed on social media and we create it's own landing page to help build you and your company's SEO, so this will help you show up higher in a google search. 


This opportunity type has a variety of meanings here on NuOp.  A "Job" can be a full-time or part-time employee position at your company, or simply a job for a contractor to paint your house.   If this job occurred in the past and you simply want to track it, you will be able to accommodate for this as well. 

Instructions Desktop 

  1. Click on the Create + button at the top of the page. 
  2. Select Opportunity
  3. In the first step of the creation flow, select the type of opportunity you would like to create
  4. Follow each step and enter all the details pertaining to your opportunity
  5. Review your information and then click Submit

Instructions Mobile 

  1. Tap the (+) Icon 
  2. Tap New Op
  3. In the first step of the creation flow, select type of opportunity you would like to create
  4. Follow each step and enter all the details pertaining to your opportunity. 
  5. Review your information and then click Submit

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